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The makers of d-Kagaz an E-Note which is as close to paper as it gets. The only e-note which takes your privacy seriously

Digital Roundabout takes customer data security very seriously. In our new Product d-Kagaz (the Digital Paper) we have created created multiple options for the customers. The customer can sync their notes with our storage. We provide each customer with about 500 GB of storage for 1 year free.

We understand some customers may not be comfortable with this or due to other reasons would like to use their own cloud storage. for the customers to be able to to be sync their files to their personal cloud storage we have the provision of the customer storing their data in their own account on Drop Box or One Drive. As we grow further we will integrate with other storage providers as the demand grows. this allows the customers to seamlessly use Kagaz and replace the 'old' note pad.

For the customers who use our service for the cloud storage, Digital Roundabout has partnered with Tata Communications to provide the Cloud storage for their d-Kagaz Product. As part of the agreement Tata is providing the cloud storage in 4 different regions for the customers in those regions. For the customers in India the data will be stored in India, for customers in SEA countries in Singapore, for the customers in Americas the cloud store will be in USA and for the customers in Europe the Cloud store in Europe.

DRPL is taking the lead in making sure we comply with the local Data Security laws.

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